November 30th, 2022

Building trust: Supplier ethos

Part 5: In the final blog of our series on building trust in technology platforms you want to recommend to clients, we examine the supplier ethos to look out for.

Building trust in technology platforms: supplier ethos to look out for


This blog series provides a straightforward overview for accountants about what to look for when assessing a technology platform’s trustworthiness. Part 1 looked at data protection; part 2 considered best practice security measures; part 3 highlighted the collaborative features you should expect; and part 4 added-value reporting. Here, in our final blog of the series, we examine the supplier ethos you should look out for.

Supplier ethos to look out for when choosing a technology platform

Supplier ethos

At Joiin, we take pride in being a team that works with our customers to deliver what they need and achieve mutual success.

Here’s an example: we proactively ask people what features they want and how they can improve. We gather feedback via customer support initiatives such as support tickets, emails, chats, and webinars. We then work closely with customers to deliver a product that has their needs at its core. To date, we have delivered nearly 300+ product updates – driven purely by customer requests.

We believe a collaborative and partnership ethos should be at the core of any new technology platform. How else could a platform survive?

A major driver at Joiin is our appreciation of the complexities of the B2B2C market in which we operate.

We must meet your needs and build confidence in us, encouraging you to trust us and our platform. At the same time, we aim to give you the tools to convince your customers that our platform is right for them also, but only when you’re ready to do so.

We hope this series of blogs (of which this is part 5) has gone some way to start convincing you.


Questions to consider:

What’s the ethos behind the platform and its team, and how will they work with us?

What to look out for:

Proactive collaboration, such as customer support and webinars, and a product roadmap involving you.

Go back to the start of this blog series ›

About this blog series

This blog series provides a straightforward overview for accountants about what to look for when assessing a tech platform’s trustworthiness. We’ve broken the series into 5 posts, including data protection, security measures, collaborative features, added-value reporting, and supplier ethos. The series aims to give you enough information about what to look for in technology platforms, so you can fulfil your role as a trusted advisor and confidently recommend these to your clients.

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you want to know more about Joiin.

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