November 29th, 2022

Building trust: Added-value reporting

Part 4: In the fourth blog in our series on how to build trust in technology platforms so you feel confident recommending them to your accounting clients, we discuss the importance of added-value reporting.

Building trust in technology platforms: the importance of value-added reporting


This blog series provides a straightforward overview for accountants about what to look for when assessing a technology platform’s trustworthiness. In part 1, we looked at data protection from the get-go, while part 2 considered best practice security measures. Part 3 highlighted the collaborative features you should expect, and part 4 below discusses added-value reporting.

The importance of value-added reporting

Added-value reporting

Regular, robust, and accurate real-time digital reporting breeds confidence between a practice and its clients. And because new technology platforms treat data as a dynamic asset – and not statically confined to spreadsheet fields – you can automate the delivery of quick update reports or more comprehensive report packs, so these continuously flow and add value to your clients.

As well as automation, our Joiin platform offers a robust suite of digital reporting that includes pre-built templates which you can easily use with existing data. Such templates take the strain out of monthly consolidated group reporting while clawing back vital time to focus on more advisory work with your clients. These reports can also form an integral part of Joiin’s multi-client feature.

Using digital reporting to build a more incredible rapport with your clients and encourage collaboration is a compelling strategic argument for implementing any new technology platform.


Questions to consider:

How can digital reporting add value to our client relationships and help us to build a stronger bond with them?

What to look out for:

Digital reporting capabilities, such as report packs and pre-built templates, as well as automation features.

Read Part 5 in this blog series ›

Part 5 weighs up the supplier ethos you should look out for.

About this blog series

This blog series provides a straightforward overview for accountants about what to look for when assessing a tech platform’s trustworthiness. We’ve broken the series into 5 posts, including data protection, security measures, collaborative features, added-value reporting, and supplier ethos. The series aims to give you enough information about what to look for in technology platforms, so you can fulfil your role as a trusted advisor and confidently recommend these to your clients.

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you want to know more about Joiin.

To watch our on-demand demo or sign up for a live demo, visit our demo page ›

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