Performance & financial reports

Make consolidated group reporting easier with our five off-the-shelf reports: profit & loss, balance sheet, cashflow, KPIs and trial balance.

Financial and business performance reporting within Joiin

Brilliant app. Seamlessly allows you to consolidate accounts

The fundamental reports you need

Designed for consolidated financial reporting and the day-to-day accounting processes in any company, simply use one of our pre-existing templates with your Xero, QuickBooks and Sage data. Create key reports for use across your business. Our five reports are grouped into two categories: key financial reports and business performance.

A financial and business performance report within Joiin

See finances & performance clearly

Benefit from our five off-the-shelf reports: profit & loss, balance sheet, cashflow, KPIs and trial balance.

Visualise your data in a range of charts and graphs, choosing a format that captures the look and feel of your business.

See finances clearly with Joiin's business and performance reports

Track everything in one place and access your information wherever you are, thanks to Joiin in the cloud.

Say goodbye to month-end madness by tailoring your own custom reports or personalising data with report packs.

FAQs regarding off-the-shelf reports

What off-the-self reports are available within Joiin?

Within Joiin, five off-the-shelf reports are available – profit & loss, balance sheet, cashflow, KPIs and trial balance – all designed to make consolidated financial reporting effortless across multi-entity businesses like yours.

We’ve ensured these key financial reports are available off the shelf, as they’re fundamental to financial reporting in any company – used as either official financial statements or critical to the day-to-day financial accounting processes.

For further details about each of Joiin’s off-the-shelf reports, visit our support pages here:

How do you run off-the-shelf reports within Joiin?

Once you’ve securely connected your data to Joiin, simply use one of the pre-existing templates with your Xero, QuickBooks, Sage, or spreadsheet data to create key reports for your business.

It only takes minutes to connect securely. Then let our platform crunch the numbers, consolidate your data and run your first automated off-the-shelf reports, including currency conversions and straightforward eliminations. At this point, you also get to see critical metrics immediately on a highly-visual dashboard that’s automatically generated for you within the Joiin platform.

How long does it take to run a first consolidated report within Joiin?

The time to run a first report on the Joiin platform averages only 7 minutes amongst new users, according to our 2022 customer survey.

This means that new users are connecting their data and running an automated off-the-shelf report within minutes, creating a consolidated financial report that our customers tell us could have previously taken hours if not days when attempted manually.

Are Joiin's off-the-shelf reports automated?

Yes. Above, we’ve talked about how Joiin’s off-the-shelf reports are automated, enabling these reports to be run so quickly.

Once you’ve securely connected your data to Joiin, our platform crunches the numbers, consolidates your data and automatically runs your first off-the-shelf reports, making them available as Excel or PDF documents that can be shared via the Joiin platform.

Can you do consolidated accounts in Xero, QuickBooks and Sage?

Yes, but it is very difficult to do so without the help of a platform like Joiin.

Because producing consolidated group reports can be a headache to do directly within cloud accounting platforms like Xero, QuickBooks and Sage, and more of a headache when attempted manually with spreadsheets, our Joiin platform is your solution. Joiin is approved by and commonly available on all major app marketplaces, such as those for Xero, QuickBooks and Sage.

Does Xero have a consolidation function?

Yes, Joiin is the Xero consolidated reporting app, delivering all the functionality you need to automate consolidated reporting and create great-looking group reports.

If you’re looking to consolidate data from multiple companies in Xero and want to create compelling reports for your stakeholders, Joiin is designed to work seamlessly with Xero, is a 5-star rated Xero App and is an official Xero reporting add-on.

With Joiin, you can quickly consolidate multiple Xero entities to create group reports, also including intercompany eliminations, multi-currency options and customisable reporting features when required.

Are Joiin's reports a ready-made option for Xero, QuickBooks and Sage consolidated reporting?

Yes. Joiin is designed to seamlessly integrate with cloud accounting software such as Xero, QuickBooks and Sage to meet your consolidated reporting needs.

Once your data is in the Joiin app, enjoy financial and performance reports, KPI reports and sales and purchasing reports at your fingertips, whether using our highly effective off-the-shelf reporting templates or other options like presentation-ready report packs and customisable reports. All reports are available on the go and on any device.

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