November 25th, 2019

Getting the most out of Custom Reports

Custom Reports is one of our most popular features and one that we get asked about a lot. It’s understandable – all companies are as different as are the people behind them.

Getting the most out of custom reports in Joiin

We thought we’d kick off our how-to series with a quick run through of Custom Reports.

The Custom Report feature allows you to tailor your Profit & Loss Report and display the data in a way that suits you – each layout can be saved and run as and when required, meaning you can see your financials from whichever angle you need to.

With a custom report you can: 

  • Add, rename and delete your groups and formulas, you can also change formulas to perform calculations on the totals from these groups and other formulas.
  • Move accounts between groups
  • Set groups to display Debit or Credit accounts as positive
  • View budget information
  • Create copies of existing custom reports

Creating a new Custom Report is a simple process that should take no more than a minute or so. You can do this by clicking on the Create Custom Layout button in the main P&L report. Or, in the reports menu on the left-hand side, click on Custom P&L Reports, followed by the New Report button.

When you create your new custom report it will take you straight to the standard Profit & Loss report view.  From there you can make any changes you need and when you’re done, simply click on the Save button to save the report – you can either run it straight away or save it for later. You can also come back to it to make more tweaks/changes – this is handy if you’re working in collaboration with another user or as part of a team.

Once you’ve created and saved your Custom Report you can access it any time you like through the Custom P&L Reports menu.  To view, edit and run your saved Custom Reports, simply  select Custom P&L Reports from the main menu, then from the list of your saved custom reports, you can select and run the report you need, using the report filters in the same way you would with other reports.

From there, simply click the Edit button on the right of the report to edit the layout, or Copy to create a duplicate of an existing report. If you want to remove it entirely, just click the Delete button. And that’s it – simple!

As always, if you have any feedback, questions, or there’s anything you’d like to discuss with the team you can reach us at or find us on Twitter here.