September 25th, 2023

Introducing your new dashboard

Intuitive. Customisable. Responsive. We’re excited to announce the arrival of our brand-new dashboard. Explore more below.

The new consolidated reporting dashboard from Joiin

With your all-new new dashboard…

Quickly pull together your key metrics in one place with our simple yet powerful interface, creating a dashboard that shows you precisely what you need to see, whenever or wherever you need to see it.

It is completely customisable: widgets can be configured using a variety of KPIs, chart types and filters and can be moved and re-sized using drag and drop.

New features we think you’ll love:

› Drag/drop/resize – your dashboard, your way

› Choose from several different widget (chart) types

› Customisable features for each widget

› Compare to previous periods or budgets

“A dashboard that shows you precisely what you need to see, whenever or wherever you need to see it.”

And there’s more to come….

› Sharing

› Customisable KPIs

› Multiple dashboards

Just so you know, the new dashboard replaces your old dashboard. Any customisations you made on your old dashboard must be re-created using the new dashboard.

Let us know what you think. We’d love to hear your thoughts on the new dashboard. Drop us a line via our contact page ›

Start a free 14-day trial with Joiin
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