November 14th, 2022

Joiin becomes a Xero staff pick with 100+ 5-star reviews

Our platform recently achieved two huge milestones: it’s now one of Xero’s staff picks and has attracted a landmark 100+ 5-star Xero reviews.

Joiin now a staff pick on Xero's app marketplace

At Joiin, we’ve come a long way by delivering an excellent, easy-to-use platform that simplifies the consolidated reporting process.

Two huge milestones achieved

Firstly, our platform is now one of Xero’s staff picks – an honour given monthly to only nine apps chosen from over 1,000 on the Xero marketplace.

Secondly, along the way, our platform has attracted a landmark 100+ 5-star Xero reviews, which is a reward for our commitment to working with customers, taking their suggestions and turning them into features everyone can benefit from.

Some 5-star reviewers explain why our Joiin app is so celebrated:

“Gamechanger. I cannot begin to describe how much time Joiin saves us monthly and annually for such good value. It is easy to use and pick up.” Joshua Cottingham

“Life changing! This is the best tool for reporting over more than one entity. I run P&L, BS, KPI and cashflow over four complicated entities and the Joiin reports are effortless. It has revolutionised the way we can report to clients in a simple, consolidated and professional format. I love it… give it a try.” Claire Smith

“Time Saver. Most efficient and cost-effective way I’ve found to consolidate two entities. Highly recommend.” Kathy Marshman

“Excellent software. This has made life so easy! Joiin means we have consolidated reports at our fingertips rather than the time-consuming excel based consolidations we used to do. No manual errors now either!” Mandy Donald

Want to give Joiin a go?

Why not get started with a free Joiin trial ›

Start a free 14-day trial with Joiin
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