January 29th, 2019

A Look Back at Our First Year

2018 was a year of firsts for us here at Joiin hq. From the Joiin app and website launch, to welcoming our first subscribers…

We also acted upon our first subscribers’ feedback to develop and update Joiin financial reporting into a product that we are immensely proud of. It was a busy year.

As well as going live in both the QuickBooks and Xero app stores, we introduced our cloud based consolidation software to users all over the world and expanded the team here in the UK – the hours of meetings, video calls and Slack messages have all been worth it!

Streamlining processes is what we’re about here at Joiin, simplifying the management reporting process and helping our customers to make sense of their financial data as quickly and easily as possible is essential – after all, cloud based tech is here to stay and the ability to provide seamless, expandable record keeping and data management will be essential for digitization.

In addition to all of this, industry changes such as Making Tax Digital and AI are something we all need to be aware of and respond to accordingly (for anyone struggling with MTD, Intuit and Xero have both created resource centres aimed at advisors and small businesses – they’re well worth a look). Data security also remains a hot topic and it’s something we’ve taking seriously from the offset. Your sensitive data is protected with built in end-to-end security using Amazon Infrastructure – a cloud based provider fully compliant with all governance and regulatory requirements, leaving you free to get on with the job in hand.

So what can our customers expect for 2019? Well, we’ve already released our first update of the year, which included custom reports, cashflow report improvements and KPI’s. We’ve had some really positive feedback to this and in response we’re currently working on adding downloadable PDF exports and multiple reporting periods. This means that running consolidated reports across multiple Xero or QuickBooks companies will be even easier, while rapidly generated key financial reports with automatic currency conversion to the currency of your choice makes your management reporting a breeze. None of this would be achievable without the feedback we receive from our customers – 2019 is set to be an exciting year for Joiin and we’re looking forward to seeing what we can accomplish together.

Stay up to date with us on Twitter and LinkedIn or subscribe to our mailing list for development announcements.

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