October 4th, 2024

Joiin shines at Xero’s first multi-entity event

A recent first as Xero hosted an influential multi-entity event at its headquarters in Milton Keynes. We were there to help lead the event, share insights and showcase our Xero-connected Joiin app to representatives from the UK’s leading accounting firms.

Speaker lineup at Xero's first multi-entity event 2024

About the Xero multi-entity event

Over a hundred of Xero’s top UK accounting firms, some of whom are Joiin customers, attended the inaugural event, which focused on the multi-entity reporting challenges experienced in the industry and available technology solutions, including our multi-entity reporting app. Our Customer Success Manager, Harry Symons, was there for this momentous occasion, meeting and networking with delegates, and presenting our Joiin app to this highly engaged audience.

“I had the opportunity to demo Joiin’s consolidated financial reporting to a large audience and enjoyed chatting over coffee with some brilliant minds in the industry.” Harry Symons, Customer Success Manager, Joiin

A meeting of multi-entity minds…

During the day, Mayday’s David Tuck shared insights from his organisation’s #Stacked2024 conference and its CFO Techstack community. Many insights were shared about how businesses and in-house finance teams are scaling with Xero’s app ecosystem, proving that you are often not too big for Xero.

Bluehub’s David and Matt Flanagan ran a session on the ‘Xero multi-entity journey’, sharing insights into client growth within the Xero ecosystem.

Rebecca Roberts from UHY Hacker Young and James Darby from Bishops Fleming respectively, joined David on stage to discuss two of their client success stories. Rebecca shared how her client Hill Helicopters made the most out of the Xero ecosystem in the early stages of their company. James discussed how the Cripps Barn Group scaled with Xero by introducing Mayday. (The Cripps Group is also a Joiin customer.)

After lunch, Matt also gave a talk on reviewing a client’s tech stack and gave some great advice on how to be ahead of the curve and provide valuable insight for your clients.

The panel session, featuring David, Matt, Rebecca, and Harry (dubbed Becki Roberts and the (multi-entity) Supremes), was a highlight of the event. Hosted by Xero’s Andy McLellan, followed by demos of the Joiin and Mayday apps.

Thanks go to Xero’s Tom Strange for organising and hosting such a great event.

Key takeaways from the Xero multi-entity event

Xero isn’t just for small businesses – there are many massive multi-entity organisations on Xero, spanning multiple hundreds of entities.

› Scale with Xero – You can use the Xero ecosystem to scale your business, creating your own best-of-breed app stack. This means you might not need to move to ERP just yet. Read about our Joiin app’s integration with Xero.

› There is a great opportunity to support UK accountants in helping them deliver services to their multi-entity customers. With Joiin & Mayday, accountants can revolutionise multi-entity month end.

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