June 6th, 2022

New Features for June 2022

We’re delighted to bring you the latest updates and features from Joiin this June, remember, you can find out more about all features in our Support Centre.

New features and updates from Joiin in December 2021

Budget Editing

A major new upgrade to our Budget feature: in-line budget editing. Now you can add budgets and enter budget figures directly into Joiin as well as uploading them from a file. This makes adding and updating budgets much quicker and easier.

Menu Design Refresh

We’ve given our side menu a refresh – using darker blues and different fonts to make menu items stand out more – and including a new collapsible sidebar to make more room for report output while retaining access to the menu.

Custom Reports Editing: Sticky Headers

We’ve made a small but useful improvement when editing custom reports – now when you edit custom reports and scroll through your groups and accounts, the group headers are sticky, so you can see where you are.

Quick Totals

Our latest handy new feature is Quick Totals. Simply click on any value in your report to select it and see a count and total of all selected values at the bottom-right hand corner.

Multi Client Improvement

Now, if you right-click a menu item and select Open in New Tab, you no longer need to re-select your client – it stays on the same client and you can have multiple tabs running at the same time for different clients. 

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